Born in the Ehime Prefecture, Skikoku, Japan in 1931, Manabe, managed to develop the first atmospheric model of our climate.
Born in 1974, was amongst many activists, protestors, and scientists trying to urge world leaders to make a change.
Born in Chicago, Illinois in 1956, Soloman helped us understand how and why the hole in the ozone layer developed in Antartica.
Born in Denison, Iowa in 1941, Hansen brought forward testimonies to congressional commities in order to raise awareness about climate change.
New York City based scientist, Marvel, used her research to identify the influence present-day human activity had on rainfall, drought severity and cloud cover.
Born in Redhill, England in 1952, Jones sustained a long running time series of the instrumental temperature record.
Born in Chennai, Tamil, Nadu, India in 1944, Ramanathan was responsible for the discovery of halocarbons and their greenhouse effect.
Born in Amherst, Massachusetts in 1965, Mann's work has contributed to the understanding of historic climate change based on records of temperature levels from centuries prior.
British born physicist, Haigh, conducted research on solar variability and radiative transfer as well as climate modelling.
Born in 1953, Jansen focused his research on natural climate change and the influence of ocean circulation on previous changes in our climate.
Born in Moscow, Soviet Union in 1975, Zolina has various areas of expertise ranging from statistical modelling to severe climate events
Born in 1987, Abramoff was one of the many scientists protesting climate change. She went as far as chaining herself to the White House fence regardless if she was arrested.